Easy Builder
No Credit Card Required

Apptiflo Saves Time
Apptiflo is a business-to-business integration platform that simplifies Purchasing and saves time. Apptiflo Builder aggregates Supplier Listings, Products, and Sales Orders to generate multiple Purchase Orders simultaneously. For example, an Account can create a Build with Listings from five different Supplier Listings, Products with components from another 10 different suppliers, and Sales Orders from 20 Customers. Builder will create Purchase Orders for each Supplier with matching Listings and Order quantities. Building orders should be this easy.
Ordering Challenges
Creating orders is time-consuming and tedious. You need in-depth product knowledge to know which Suppliers to order from. You must manually translate the Products into Supplier Listings for Sales Orders and calculate the order quantity. The more Sales Orders there are, the more complicated it gets.
Apptiflo Builder
Time Saving Features
The More, The Merrier
The more complex your Products and Sales Orders are, the more time you can save with Apptiflo. It doesn't matter how many different Suppliers or Sales Orders there are. Build with confidence and save time.

Suggested Quantity
Builder aggregate quantities to give a suggested quantity, giving you the flexibility to adjust your order quantity based on your inventory.
Clear Visibility
Every Build Item is linked to a Purchase Order. It's not a black box with random outputs; you can trace every Item.
Step by Step Tutorial