Easy Orders
No Credit Card Required

Apptiflo Saves Time
Apptiflo is a business-to-business integration platform that simplifies Purchasing and saves time. Apptiflo helps Suppliers and Customers save time at in-person events such as trade shows, conventions, or marketplaces by simplifying integration, order intake, and order processing. Apptiflo Order Intake Forms are integrated with Catalog Listings and are customizable with promotions and tax rates. The Intake Forms enable Accounts to create Sales Orders and integrate with their Customers on a mobile or tablet web browser. The main benefit is the time savings of post-sale support, where Accounts can leverage Order Builder to process multiple Sales Orders simultaneously.
Template and Form Limits
Some solutions take Orders using templates or online forms. The document is turned into a PDF and shared via email. However, these solutions don't add any value beyond the initial document creation, where the majority of the work remains in order processing.
As a Supplier, the main appeal of in-person events such as trade shows, conventions, or marketplaces is the opportunity to develop and strengthen relationships with prospective Customers. The chance might come up at your booth, a seminar, or an after-hours event. However, there might be time-sensitive deadlines for other large orders eating up your time, requiring you to process orders rather than attend events.
As a Customer, trade shows and conventions offer the opportunity to meet new Suppliers and improve your product pipeline. The turnaround time of order inquiries and ease of placing orders make a big impression on the quality of the Supplier. You also want to spend time networking and learning rather than building Purchase Orders in the evening.
Apptiflo Order Intake Forms
Time Saving Features
Tailor your marketing strategy for each event with customizable titles, promotions, and tax rates.

Web Browser
Use any web browser on your mobile or tablet to enter Orders and instantly integrate with Customers. Customers can modify the Order and immediately build Products with your Listings.
Process Multiple Sales Orders
Plug all your Sales Orders into Order Builder to generate Purchase Orders for all your Suppliers: the more Sales Orders you have, the more time you save.
Step by Step Tutorial