Easy Purchasing
No Credit Card Required

Apptiflo Saves Time
Apptiflo is a business-to-business integration platform that simplifies Purchasing and saves time. We have a guided process to support the dynamic nature of Purchasing to minimize miscommunication and order mistakes. Apptiflo enables Customers and Suppliers to efficiently create, finalize, and process Purchasing documents, all for free.
Template and Form Limits
Some solutions create Orders, Estimates, and Invoices using templates or online forms. The document is turned into a PDF and shared via email. However, these solutions don't add value beyond the initial document creation, where most of the work remains due to many potential updates.
For example, Customer A sends a PO PDF to Supplier A via email, copying teams on both sides. Supplier A responds with back-ordered items or updated pricing. Customer A needs to internally review the changes and re-issue the PO by emailing another version of the PDF. This exchange can take a few rounds of updates, resulting in multiple PDF versions over the same email thread. The same cycle occurs with Estimates and Invoices.
A solution that was initially simple is now creating extra work and directly causing issues, resulting in lost time and order mistakes. These issues can be caused by working off an outdated PDF version, missing a vital decision on the email thread, and lacking a process for internal reviews for changes. We've all been there and trained our team to double and triple-check. This iterative spiral can be more manageable.
Apptiflo Purchasing
Step By Step Tutorials
Purchase and Sales Orders
An Apptiflo Purchase Order documents the items or services sold between two Accounts. The Account buying or issuing the Purchase Order (PO) is the Customer, while the Account selling or receiving the Purchase Order (PO) is the Supplier. A corresponding Sales Order is created in the Supplier's Account when a PO is made and approved. A Customer Account's Purchase Order is the same as a Supplier Account's Sales Order. Both Accounts can access the Apptiflo platform to process their documents, save time, and ensure accountability.

Order Estimates
An Apptiflo Order Estimate is a proposal detailing the items or services sold between two Accounts. The Account selling or issuing the Order Estimate is the Supplier, while the Account buying or receiving the Order Estimate is the Customer. The Customer Account reviews and accepts Order Estimates, which generate Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Invoices, and Bills. Both Accounts have access to the Apptiflo platform to receive the Order Estimate and process the resulting Purchase Order.
TutorialInvoices and Bills
An Apptiflo Invoice documents the total amount sold to a Customer Account and is created when a Sales Order is received. All updates to the Sales Order automatically update the linked Invoice. The Invoice total is the expected payment from the Customer Account.
An Apptiflo Bill is a document detailing the total amount purchased from a Supplier Account and is created when a Purchase Order is confirmed. Similar to Invoices, all PO updates propagate to the linked Bill. The Bill total is the expected payment to the Supplier Account.
Accounts may also create Invoices independent of any Sales Orders. Independent invoices will generate a Bill in the Customer's Account.

Every Account can easily integrate with a Customer or Supplier in one step through an email invitation to join Apptiflo. Account integration is beneficial for syncing Account info and is the foundation for using Apptiflo's Purchasing features. No development or infrastructure setup is required.
Tutorial14 Days Free Trial
No Credit Card Required
Time-Saving Features

Automated Documents
Purchase documents are interrelated and automatically generated to reduce work. A Customer Account's Purchase Order creates a Sales Order in the Supplier's Account. A corresponding Invoice is made in the Supplier's Account, and a Bill is in the Customer's Account. Updates to the Order flows down to the Invoice and Bill, thus eliminating manual upkeep.
Integrated Data
Integration synchronizes Account profiles and Catalog Listings to provide accurate data. Reduce Order changes by starting with the correct prices and contacts.
Guided Process
Each Purchase Document has a status such as New, Pending, etc., which determines whether action is needed from the Customer or Supplier Account. This process ensures both Accounts are clear on the items and input to promote Order completion. It also doesn't hurt to have accountability and data integrity.
Apptiflo can support your team as your Brand grows with unlimited Customer and Supplier Integrations. Access our platform securely from your computer or mobile browser with Two Factor Authentication.